The team

We are three brothers that, thanks to a father who is a diplomat and a mother who is an artist, spent the majority of our lives growing up and moving around from one developing country to another, including Mozambique, Togo, Cuba, Slovakia, East Timor and South Africa.

Yanis (26), the eldest, is currently finishing off a PhD in development economics at the University of Cape Town. David (25), also a development economist by training, has most recently helped build up a refugee rights organisation in South Africa, called PASSOP. And Elias (19) is currently studying history, economics and politics at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

We will drive to South Sudan together, where our father is currently posted as the EU's ambassador.

While we are on the road, we will be assisted by Samuel Duru, a young Nigerian writer and social innovator based in Cape Town. Samuel (24), has in the past been active in the Vision Bearers Foundation in Nigeria and Challengefuture, a global youth think tank.

We all share a passion for development and a love for Africa.